Empower Autism

Attracting Autistic Volunteers

Some aspects of job listings and job descriptions may make it difficult for autistic applicants to apply for volunteer opportunities.

Fortunately, by making simple changes to the language and style used in your volunteer listings and role descriptions, you can increase accessibility for autistic individuals.

We have provided you with several checklists as a starting point. These will help you adjust your current and future volunteer role listings and descriptions, making them easier, clearer, and more accessible for autistic applicants. By making some of these changes, it is likely that all applicants will have a better understanding of the volunteering role advertised.

Each checklist covers the following area:
• General areas where language can be made more accessible across volunteer listings and descriptions
• More specific examples of how you can communicate flexibility and diversity in volunteer listings
• How you can tailor volunteer role descriptions to be clear and accommodating

It’s important to note that several of these options express a willingness or provide an option for autistic applicants to discuss any support requirements.

These recommendations are non-committal and intended to open the discussion to potential adjustments and accommodations. What is considered reasonable and achievable will vary based on the specific needs of each volunteer organisation and role.

Key Points

  • We want to open the conversation with the autistic community, and we can often do this best when advertising new volunteer roles and responding to expressions of interest.
Accessible Language in Role Listings & Descriptions: A Checklist
Communicating Diversity & Flexibility in Volunteer Role Listings: A Checklist
Accessible Role Descriptions: A Checklist
Putting it all together: A Brief Example