Empower Autism

Independence at Home

About emPOWER UP: Independence at Home

This program has been designed by autistic people for autistic people. The program is specifically for young autistic people looking to become more self-sufficient in the family home, preparing to move out or making improvements for those already living on their own. The program will guide, support, and empower you as you navigate your way to independence, providing skills and tools to apply to areas such as: self-care, domestic chores, scheduling/time management, budgeting, and community access.

emPOWER UP: Independence at Home

Want some cheat codes to life?

Want to be more independent?

This program is delivered in six separate 2 hour modules so you can choose what you do when.
This program is about giving you skills, strategies and mental shortcuts to the basics of life, including:

The transition into adulthood can be challenging and often stressful for young autistic adults.

This program has been developed to guide, support and empower you as you navigate your way to independence.

The aims of the program are to provide you with the skills and strategies required for independent living, including becoming more self-sufficient in the family home, preparing to move out or making improvements for those already living on their own. It focuses on essential foundation skills such as self-reflection, problem-solving and goal-setting applied across a range of areas including self-care, domestic chores, scheduling, budgeting and community access.

Emphasis is placed on addressing some of the barriers experienced by autistic people including motivation, organisation and emotional regulation.

A teenage girl holding a toothbrush in one hand a teeth guard in the other hand. She is pulling a face while looking at the teeth guard.


Who is the program for?
  • The best time to participate is from 16 to 25 years, however, our intake team can help you decide when you’re ready
  • Identify as autistic
  • Good literacy skills (high school level)
What will the workshops look like?

The emPOWER UP – Independence at Home program is delivered in 6 x 2 hour modules at various times throughout the year.  The program is delivered in a blended format – in person at Stafford and online.

How much does it cost?

Access to program sessions, tailored advice, and all accompanying resources are included in the cost of $125 per module. This may be covered through your NDIS plan.

Modules listed below will be run from 5.30pm to 7.30pm at Stafford or Online.

4th March – Scheduling & Time Management
6th May – Goal Setting
5th August – Motivation around the Home
19th August – Planning & Budgeting
21 October – Getting Around
2nd December – Health

Our School holiday modules will run from 10am to 12pm at Stafford or Online.

8th April – Scheduling & Time Management
9th April – Motivation around the Home
16th April – Planning & Budgeting

Register Your Interest
Please enter your details on the register your interest tab and an Empower Autism team member will be in contact to finalise your registration and selected modules.

Register Your Interest

Please complete the form to register your interest for emPOWER UP: Independence at Home